“Anythin free, is worth saving up fer.” – Albert Soady {Escanaba in da Moonlight}
As Americans we have many freedoms. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press to name a few.
Human beings are all born with absolute freedoms and rights; all of which point mainly to life and pursue of it.
But Christians enjoy freedoms that most do not, although they are not something typically seen as tangible. We have been given a freedom that we not only don’t deserve, but one which came at a great cost.
Freedom from bondage to sin.
The choice is ours as to whether we accept this free gift, or continue as if it were never offered to us in the first place.
Choice can often keep us from enjoying what that freedom bought for us, namely joy and peace. We often choose to continue living as though this freedom never occurred, repeating the very things that we have been set free from.
I know because I often make these choices myself.
There are times that I can’t believe the things I am saying, or even the thoughts that cross my mind. It is a constant struggle to put aside my old nature in favor of the one that Jesus provides me. It is almost like there are two different me’s, fighting for control.
I know who I hope will win….
So as I begin this new day, I am encouraged by the reset that it affords me. A new chance to use the right words and follow the leading of my Shepard.
May you be encouraged too!
Life is full of wish I would have’s and maybe this time I wont’s. Today is a new day, an opportunity to start fresh. Make the most of the freedom that you have been given