“This is what the Lord says——- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17
For the many struggles I’ve faced in life, God has more than redeemed and blessed me! There was a time when I pined for a charmed life, thinking in fairy tale realities, the kind that are never really true. As I have grown in my walk with the Lord, He has grown my gifts and talents, allowing me to have a truly beautiful life in Him.
Not a perfect life, but a perfectly imperfect, blessed no matter the circumstance kind of life!
At this stage of my walk, I recognize HIS hand in absolutely EVERYTHING, nothing has ever gone unnoticed by HIS loving grace.
-As a little girl in an extremely dysfunctional and broken home I longed for a healthy family someday…. God gave my hand in marriage to my best friend, who has become an amazing man of God, he loves and treasures me as no one else ever has. Except for my dog….. Just kidding. God has blessed us with two amazing children who are now adults of character and integrity that love Jesus… My husband and I often say, “God is so good to us, we are so undeserving!!” That is what grace and blessings are all about.
-Growing up we moved many times, there was no stable secure place to call home…. I used to carry a Barbie suitcase containing my most prized possessions everywhere I went ( even on a trip to the corner store), I was that insecure… Now we still live in our “starter home” that we built by the grace of God 25 years ago. Our home is in a small historical town that was a safe place to raise our children, giving them grounding, sense of community and security that I always dreamed of for them. That’s Blessed!
-I used to dream of being a farmer when I was small,(don’t laugh, I know most little girls dream of being a princess) I never had a desire for a bunch of things or exotic travel, just a place to plant beautiful flowers, dig my fingers in the dirt in vegetable gardens and raise my own chickens for fresh organic eggs… God didn’t make me a farmer, but the acre of land we have is filled with flower beds, I have a veggie and herb garden to dig into and I have a few chickens too! That’s blessed!
- Art is “in me”, has been since I can remember holding my first crayon. Art museums are the first place I want to visit when traveling to the city. I have always seen God’s amazing art in nature and all things creative, HE wired me that way. Often when I was little and also as I have grown in my artistic/creative abilities as an adult, others have tried to discourage me, pushing me aside…. “Your not that talented”; “Your still doing that “art thing”?”; “You actually make money, painting?”; “What’s your “real” job?” .
God, though, has given me a tenacious spirt, when I hear such things, I work harder, seek HIM deeper, ask HIM for HIS abilities to shine through me that I may always give HIM glory in ALL that I do….
I have had my decorative painting business since 1999 and it is now in my 50’s that God has worked out some amazing opportunities for me to share my talents, teaching decorative painting and even an online TV show through THEMITT.TV, which literally landed in my lap, no seeking fame, no soliciting on my part…. That’s a blessing in the form of a major GOD WINK!
I was on my face this morning before the Lord, thanking HIM for HIS faithful love, grace and redemption for such a lowly sinner as me…. Amazed at HIS timing and blessings in my life….HE cares about the dreams and desires of my heart, covering, meeting, healing all my needs in HIS perfect timing and plan for me. Blown away by HIM…. Beyond grateful… Seeking HIM in everything I do….. Asking HIM to use me in all I put my hand to and keeping me humble before HIS throne.
Take a moment to “look back” on your life, what were your childhood dreams? How has God worked things out in HIS perfect timing? I’d love to hear from you…
Let’s stand in glory and honor together before our King, praising HIM all the day long!
THEMITT.TV is an Internet based station bringing all things MICHIGAN to your computer screen. Highlighting events/happenings; shinning a light on causes and philanthropic people/groups; also sharing things to enhance everyone’s daily life. It’s positive and enriching TV!
Link to my show “The Urban Woman” on THEMITT.TV
-The first two shows are on refurbishing old furniture and will air this month.
Abundant Blessings,
Heidi Wilt