who we are…

Mission statement for a beautiful life

Here at a beautiful life ministries we aim to encourage women in realizing that every day is a gift, and no matter what we are doing with our days; whether it is working on the house, cooking dinner, spending time with God, or raising our families, it is exactly what we are supposed to be doing. It isn’t our usefulness to God that defines us, it is He himself that defines us…and our relationship with Him.  It is in the appreciation of God in everything that we do, even the ordinary that we honor Him and makes our lives worthwhile.  Be encouraged… God loves you right where you are!

5 responses to “who we are…

  1. Glad for your mission.
    Thank you on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to like our poetry. MAy our other poetry bless you.


  2. Hi Lisa, thankyou so much for your encouragement and for the wonderful posts you write. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. No obligation to participate, but if you are interested, you can find the post here: https://humbleheartscribbles.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/a-liebster-award/


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