Tag Archives: the words of Jesus

Do Not be Afraid


do not be afraid  just believeWhen the Road ahead looks scary ~ Jesus commands - “Do not be afraid; just believe”. Several times throughout scripture when people were faced with adversity or overwhelming odds, they were told to not be afraid, to simply keep our eyes focused on God. On who He is. On how He loves us. On what He has in store for our lives. To just believe.

Imagine how our lives would change if we approached everything without fear:

We would accomplish our goals

We would step out in faith

we would change our life and the lives of those around us simply by being a beacon of light and faith. My goal for the coming year is to BELIEVE fully in everything that I have been told….everything that I have been promised, and trust that by keeping my eyes on things above….it will be so!

BELIEVE with me!

Soli Deo Gloria!