As summer comes to an end I think about how I have often sat on the beach and watched the waves come in with the tide, only to recede again until the next high tide. In the interim, the sand is available for burying your sibling, building castles, writing poems or making drawings. The main thing is to realize, these sands will be wiped clean with the next tide. It is the opposite of indelible.
So what about our relationship with God? The trinity doesn’t even begin to explain it; with all the multifaceted emotions, expectations and baggage that we bring with us when we commune with Him. The best part is He is more understanding than any person we have ever told our deepest thoughts and feelings. No matter if we are the most erudite scholar, or the least educated simpleton; God hears our prayers. He judges not how we say what we say, but that we wish to be in a relationship with Him.
God is a jealous God, but wants us only to acknowledge that we are His, that we are sorry for all the things we have done wrong. He is gracious beyond all imagining and will wipe clean all our transgressions if we but ask for forgiveness. So like the sand on the beach, we will be clean so that His words can be indelibly in our hearts.
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit in me
Heavenly Father – I pray that we would remember to rejoice at the beauty of Your creation and to enjoy our time. Please help us to have clean hearts and to approach our earthly relationships with the agape love that You demonstrate to us so that even difficult relationship can be healed. As always we pray for all the people we know and love to come to know You. In Jesus’ name we pray.