by:Marie Bride
When I consider the way Our Heavenly Father Loves us I always find myself in absolute awe!
Think of the many times you have done something you are less then proud of?
Sometimes I find myself doing those self-evaluations. I am happy I did that. I want to do thus, but Lord I really wish I had not been in that horrible mood when I said those awful things to my brother and Lord I really wish I did not spend so much time in a bad frame of mind over how so and so behaves.
Do you know what I mean?
And then I allow myself to think of what my favorite things are and my favorite way to spend time and at the top of my list is water! It is such a cleansing feeling to think about water and especially to be in it.
I simply love to sit in the tub, read if possible, drink coffee or tea, sing and simply praise God for this awesome gift of water! There is nothing that helps me feel more refreshed or cleansed as indulging myself in water!
Give ear to my prayer, O God;
do not hide yourself from my supplication.
Attend to me, and answer me;
I am troubled in my complaint.
I am distraughtPsalm 55:1-2 (NRSVACE)
And I say, ‘O that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest;Psalm 55:6 (NRSVACE)
And then I consider what my Lord Jesus did when He walked the road to Calvary, when He hung on that cross and paid for my sins, when He calls me by name to come and repent and draw my life breath from the gifts only He can offer me when I pray to be forgiven, His perfect Love, through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures. Nothing ever compares to that feeling of totally being forgiven and loved!
I would be honored if you would consider sharing a comment on being forgiven?
About Marie Bride: Avid reader and lover of books from the time I learned my prayers at age three. Passionately in love with the Lover of my soul Lord Jesus our King of Glory! Child of the Heavenly Father, daughter, sister, niece, cousin, aunt, great aunt and godmother. Past choir and hand bell member, wife, Catechist teacher, Religious formation teacher, Eucharistic Minister, Christ Renews His Parish participant and team member, high-end retail sales representative, financial advisor and numerous other events and activities.
You may connect with Marie Bride: on Facebook…, Twitter, Pinterest Goodreads.
You may connect with Marie Bride: on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Goodreads.
I too am in awe over how much God loves us. Sometimes it even makes me cry. It is what keeps me moving forward in my faith, learning and reaching for the highest heights!
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So true Lisa,
tears and all our God is an
Awesome God!
And I just cry and sing Alleluia!!!
To our King of Kings!
Many Blessings! Lisa