Time stood still as my fingers moved swiftly over the paper, confidently placing color washes in their predetermined places. As the layers began to unite and the colors deepen, an image emerged that had not been there before. My mind’s eye knew of its presence, even if it could not been seen by anyone else.
but I knew
and knowing its presence, the passion in my heart grew anxious to expose it to the world around me, to bring it to light for all to see. So I worked feverishly, letting all other thoughts go.
Only the absorbent paper, tools of the craft, and the unseen image existed in that moment; and for all the moments that followed. Till finally, everything that I had imagined became one with its surroundings.
Don’t you just love those things that you can’t live without? The things that you will do anything for? I do. They are often what gets me up in the morning, ready to face a new day full of vim and vigor, as my dad used to say.
Vim and vigor means: Enthusiastic vitality and energy.
I long to approach each day with that enthusiastic vitality. To expend energy with all the passion that created this world.
When Creation began, I envision an explosion of passion, an energy surpassing anything that had ever happened before. The vim and vigor of God must have been so incredible that the world could do nothing BUT be created because of it;
because of that passion
Webster’s dictionary defines passion as this: a strong and barely controllable emotion. Wikipedia says this: Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something.
Have you ever felt something so passionately that you could not control yourself? We are not talking about smut here, this is real. This is purpose. To think that God desired us so much to cause our whole existence, humbles me. And then further – in His desire for none to be lost, sent His Son to redeem us.
Many think of the passion of Christ as the period of great suffering that He endured toward the very end of His life. And it is. But I would venture to say that it is so much more. Jesus took on this passion because of his great passion for us, because of His intense emotion and love for His creation.
You and Me!
His love is so great and so intense that He endured everything.
And this is not past tense – it is present tense too.
He loved, and He loves, and He will love – Forever!
I want to love like that.
I want to fill my life with a passion that endures and gives up everything.
Most of us will have sporadic spurts of passion and desire. Remember the day you placed your faith in Jesus? I do. For months I would cry through entire worship services ~ because I was thankful for his sacrifice, and because I was part of the reason for that sacrifice. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love for my Savior, and in those early moments, I would have done anything. My passion for Jesus was abounding and unfettered.
Then, as many of us experience, the newness wears off, and His presence in our life, as well as His sacrifice, becomes just a part of the scenery. Everyday life takes over, reality sets in, and my days returned to normal, barely aware of the waning passion.
I don’t want life to be like this!
Life doesn’t have to be like this.
So how do we get back the passion that we once felt? How do we return to our first love? On Monday, I will give you 5 Things That Will Unleash Your Passion - Stop by and see how to renew that passion that you have lost, and begin living life with abandon!
Thanks for stopping by!
What are you passionate about? Leave a comment.