‘The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Numbers 14:18
February 29th – leap year!
I’ve always found this day a bit odd. What happens if this is your birthday? Do you only celebrate once every 4 years? Or is it an opportunity to remember something bigger than yourself? Throughout February we have explored the subject of love. Love between man and woman, parent and child, of ourselves, and most importantly, the Love of God.
True love
The way we each see and show love is as vast as the personalities of people on this earth. But when it comes to the specific topic of unconditional love: true love, I believe that its expression becomes much more pointed.
Here’s the thing: true love is not a feeling, it’s a choice.
It is the simple and consistent act of being there when you really don’t feel like it.
It’s deciding that even if someone hasn’t acted in a way that was honoring or deserving of respect, you will give it just the same.
It’s knowing that beneath a stony exterior of another lies a heart that beats the same as yours, and no matter what, that heart needs love in order to grow and change.
True love is putting aside your own agenda to help a friend, when all you want to do is crawl back into bed.
True love is sacrificial. It is giving up something you’d rather keep, or giving in when you long to be right.
It says “I don’t have to have my own way”.
But it also says “you are going the wrong way”.
True love isn’t always easy, or tidy. Sometimes it challenges you beyond anything you ever imagined you could endure. And often it is one of the toughest and most aggravating choices you will ever make.
True love is amazingly simple, and at the same time one of the most complex emotions that a human can display.
True love forgives before it is asked, and rights wrongs against all odds.
True love can hold together the most catastrophic of situations, even when all else has failed.
It is by far one of the most powerful weapons we have at our disposal, and at the same time, one of the easiest things to destroy.
This month’s exploration of love has been both joyous and vexing. The vast array of expressions both a blessing and a hardship.
And although it is a choice; it is one that is required if we are to become more like Jesus. Yes, we are given the choice, but is it really?
Sometimes it will be hard – maybe one of the hardest things you will ever do. But as you make the difficult choice and walk it out: Peace will follow, and you will know the incredible love of the Father more intimately than you could have ever imagined.
Ultimately it is yours to make…..
Choose wisely
Lisa, Thanks for reminding us what true love looks like. Our society has watered down the meaning of love, but we need to demonstrate what true love looks, feels, and acts like.
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I agree Ruth. If we will only acknowledge His ways, He will make straight our paths, and the rest will come.
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So true and beautiful
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thank you Vanessa! I believe true love begins with seeing the true beauty of the Lord and all that He is and offers!