Remember the sweet moment of your salvation…that point in time when you realized that the God of all was your own personal God and that you had somehow been made worthy of His love through the sacrifice of His beloved Son? How overwhelming that first flush of love for the Father can be. From the moment of our spiritual awakening, our souls, rectified by Christ, seek God with a passion fueled by our desire to know Him more completely.
Mark 12:30 “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
The beloved 19th century preacher, Charles Spurgeon, described our first flush of love for Christ in this beautiful way:
“Ever to be remembered is that best and brightest of hours, when first we saw the Lord, lost our burden, received the roll of promise, rejoiced in full salvation, and went on our way in peace. It was spring time in the soul; the winter was past; the mutterings of Sinai’s thunders were hushed; the flashings of its lightnings were no more perceived; God was beheld as reconciled; the law threatened no vengeance, justice demanded no punishment. Then the flowers appeared in our heart; hope, love, peace, and patience sprung from the sod; the hyacinth of repentance, the snowdrop of pure holiness, the crocus of golden faith, the daffodil of early love, all decked the garden of the soul. The time of the singing of birds was come, and we rejoiced with thanksgiving; we magnified the holy name of our forgiving God, and our resolve was, “Lord, I am Thine, wholly Thine; all I am, and all I have, I would devote to Thee. Thou hast brought me with Thy blood-let me spend myself and be spent in Thy service. In life and in death let me be consecrated to Thee.”
May we continue to prioritize and nurture our relationship with God through prayer and the Word.
what a beautiful picture that paints! I was just praying thins morning that the winter in my soul…the frigid cold that has been seeping in, would thaw and a renewal bloom in my heart. Some mornings I just don’t want to….But He is faithful, and the blooming spring that you have pictured here is warming my soul!! Thanks!
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Thanks, Lisa. These words of Spurgeon so spoke to my heart that I had to share them
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