“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9
There are times in life when God’s ways don’t make sense to our finite minds and it can be difficult to believe that HE is loving in the trials and tragedies…..
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways SUBMIT to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3: 5-6
At a recent training session for Trauma Informed Care the speaker shared a beautiful example of God’s ways being higher than ours and His love shinning through the unthinkable…. She is a trauma therapist with multiple degrees, she uses her knowledge and gifts solely to serve the Lord. She flies all over the world helping people after tragedies, the immediate needs are addressed on her first visit, like medical care, clean up after disasters, finding and building shelters, clothing, food etc… Then she and her team return about six months later to work with the people and their emotional healing, working through the psychological aspects of moving forward after trauma.
On one such trip to Haiti she and her team were ministering to a small village of survivors having a service where miraculous healings were taking place. Someone brought her a baby that was dying, as she held the baby she said to one of her team members, ” I believe that Jesus is going to heal this dying child and it will bring many to the Lord!” While she held the baby, praying for God’s miraculous, healing hand…. the baby died …. Needless to say, she was devastated and mad at God! That night she battled God over what HE thought HE was doing! “Seriously, Lord, do you know the glory you would have received and the unbelievers you could have won over to you? ” “I was sure You were telling me that the baby would live!?” As she wrestled with the Lord, even arguing with Him, God told her to be still and listen…. She heard Him say
“I gave you the privilege of ushering that baby from his earthly life to his heavenly life!” “Go back tomorrow, share My Salvation message, I will get the glory!” Whoa! She had some repenting to do. The next day she lead a service where she shared her experience with God and the entire village came to salvation in Christ Jesus.
Never underestimate the depth of Love, compassion and ways of God! They are above our ways and our understanding, yet always in LOVE…..
Praise you Jesus,
Abundant Blessings,
Heidi Wilt
wow, that is an amazing story of how God answers in ways that we don’t always understand or agree with. Praise Him mightily!!