I wish I had it all the time.
If you knew me, you would know I am a bit of an emotional being. Some likely are thinking right now as they read this, “a bit?”.
For most of my life, I wondered why I felt so much. I would watch a Disney cartoon, and would cry when something sad happened. Yes a cartoon! As a young child, I could feel others emotions, and at times, could sense what they were thinking. It was extremely confusing as a young person. I would often think that the emotions that came at me were my fault.
I do believe that we are what we think. In these circumstances, I wish I could turn back the hands of time and realize that those emotions were not mine. I did not directly affect the emotions; I just had a little gift that allowed me to understand and really see people.
The emotions would absorb into my soul. I lacked boundaries that allowed me to push those emotions back. The need is to enable and let go.
I am learning; to control what I let in now and what I let go. I have also learnt that I could turn this characteristic into a gift. I could let the walls down and listen, but realize that the burdens are not for me to bear. I can provide advice, but I cannot fix or repair.
Each individual is called to take responsibility for their lot in this life. God definitely is the navigator, and helps direct our sails along the way, but we have to choose our direction. I have the power to choose, while leaning on His wisdom and the love of others.
But I too, like many of you, need some tweaking in my life. I do have a lack of self-control when my emotions run high, this happens when there is lack of sleep or space for me. Prioritization is a big part that affects space and time.
A lot of times I believe I need to be superwoman for everyone, while leaving myself behind. Then the ones I love suffer around me. Lack of self-control spills over, and the wife, mama, sista, daughter and friend appears to be messy. It can be a bit of an out of body experience! Recognizing this is half the battle, the other half is left up to me. How do I choose to respond, what do I choose to do going forward?
Change; adjust, reprioritize, and refocus. Realizing I lost sight again of my priorities.
“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)”
Priorities they are important, they are my anchors. These anchors produce so much fruit in my life.
Where are you centered today? Do you need some time to re-prioritize? You are important.
Dear Lord God, Help us to reprioritize, guide us, make our paths straight, help us to focus on what is important in your eyes. Father, when we focus on You everything falls into place. In this messy busy life, help all those that are reading this today pause and reflect. I pray for those that need some help in this area. Thank-you for your love Father and bringing us back to a place that is real and simple. I pray for this in Jesus Name Amen
I am grateful that you have popped by today. May you be blessed.
I cried at the end of the third batman movie….my son was horrified. He just stared at me with his mouth hanging open. Ha. We just feel things deeply….it is part of who God made us to be. For what purpose? Well that is the journey of discover itself….