“Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fill up with light.” Matthew 6:22
When you woke up this morning, what did you see?
Was it a day full of possibility?
Beauty beyond compare?
Excitement for what you will do with your life today?
Most people don’t. Instead, the minute we open our eyes, the cares of the world filter in. Our to-do list comes acutely into focus and we can’t see beyond it. Maybe the alarm never went off and you woke up - already late…not a good way to start the day!
I think that the way we start our days, including those first few moments, are so incredibly important to how the rest of it will follow. If you began like the previous paragraph here, the rest of the hours that followed probably followed suit.
Rush, rush, rush
Overwhelmed with responsibility
Trying to figure out how to navigate the busyness or tedium
We become so focused on ourselves and what will impact us today, that we can’t see the bigger picture…what God wants us to see.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Consider this scenario:
Eyes open early…the first thing you do is greet the Master (Good Morning Lord!!)…you stretch and yawn and look forward to seeing what He has in store for you today (a job, the love of a family, friends to inspire you, the opportunity to walk in His perfect will)….grab a cup of coffee (or whatever floats your boat J )…sit in quiet contemplation, maybe outside with the awakening birds (it amazes me how noisy it is at 5:00 in the morning!)…carry on a conversation with the creator, eyes wide open to the beauty around you (nature, the blessings He has given you, the simple fact that you are breathing!)…After some time spent with your savior in conversation, you walk on into a day filled with light; the light of possibility and the incredible beauty and wonder of the world that the Lord has placed you in.
It is not an accident that you are where you are in your life…in this day.
Embrace it!
Discover its mysteries!
Revel in the wonder of who God is.
See Him in your surroundings, in those whom He places in your path.
This day could be everything that you dreamed – it’s all about how you focus the lens that you are seeing through… Your eyes are the window into how you will see everything today. Zoom out! Open them wide from the moment they greet the day, and let wonder and belief of who the Lord is;
His mercy
His grace
His sovereignty over your life
His incredible beauty and wonder…
Become part of who you are, and the measure by which you face each and every day…
And your days will be filled with light!
All for His Glory!
May we never lose our wonder
May we never lose our wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
May we be just like a child
Staring at the beauty of our King
-You are beautiful in all your ways!
[bethel music]