“We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”
Psalm 78:4
“Remember when Adam used to say……….?”
My husband looked at me expectantly, like I should know this. And I should. But I couldn’t seem to conjure up the memory – no matter how hard I tried.
Fear gripped me.
A few years back, a cousin’s wife died very young of a rare form of Alzheimer’s. At the gathering, we talked about the progression of the disease, and I remember the sorrow I felt when they talked of how she did not recognize her loved ones. She lashed out at those who cared for her, and the sadness that covered that family was extreme.
This event began to grip my heart, and throughout the next couple of years, the importance of remembering not only the things that my kids have done and said, but also how the Lord has impacted my life, has come into focus. Sharing His goodness with those around us is so vital to the future of our families. The future of our communities. And the future of our country.
Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, movers, and shakers.
How we shape who they are today, will impact what they will do in the world: how they will affect change and all of our futures. And it all starts with you. The psalter Asaph, retells the history of the Jewish nation in this psalm, reminding them of where they came from, and what God had done in the lives of their ancestors. It was told over and over to each generation so that they would never forget God and what he has done, and make the same mistakes as their ancestors.
Passing on this legacy to our children, is just as important today, especially in these times that are so full of busyness. Time passes so quickly that we hardly have time to recall the important things of life…or we can forget them all together.
So begins the “Remember 2015” project.
Being the creative sort that I am, I have not taken the easy road here. But this project can be done as simply, or as artfully, as you would like to endeavor. If you like to create with paper, paints, crayons, markers, stickers or words, this could be a fantastic creative outlet for you. If that all seems too complicated to you and you want to undertake a much easier project, you can do that too….
….it all starts with a journal.
Join me on lisaevola.com for a year long journey of remembering that is sure to inspire.
- We will laugh.
- We will cry.
- We will certainly be nostalgic.
And in the end…..we will have accomplished our goal of remembering and passing on a legacy of truth to future generations. There will be weekly prompts, scripture, challenges, and inspiration, to help you through your journey of remembering. Commit to remembering….for you, for your children, for all of the generations to come!
I look forward to creating with you!
Soli Deo Gloria!
Yes, the older we get, the more important remembering is. My oldest son, who is now a daddy to a one-year old, is constantly asking me questions about his own childhood. I might have done lots wrong as a mom, but one thing I did right was journal and write important memorable events on a calendar, which helps in answering his questions. Unfortunately, that journaling stopped when the boys got super busy with extra-curricular activities. I love your opportunity to journal together and all of your helpful suggestions.
Thanks Brenda! I plan on having many video tutorials….did I say that technology doesn’t like me? Ha!