dear vanessa ~ forgiveness and letting go

dec dear v 1

Dear Vanessa,

I was hurt, how could a group of women I trusted decide to let a web of nastiness form?   Honestly, I felt like I was in high school again, the talking, the rumours.     I just don’t know how to go back to where we were before all this started.    The root of the issue is trust.    I thought I finally had found a group of friends I could trust.   

Having a hard time with this one,



Dearest Lena,

This is a tough one, I am sure you are feeling hurt.    I believe we all have been in this circumstance, where we feel like someone has hurt us in some way with words.    But I want to share with you a powerful first step forward.


A huge word, but do we truly know How to?


Sometimes there are moments that hold you back.   Moments of extreme pain, hurt, your wounds run deep.   When you think about that moment in time, your breath is taken away and your eyes begin to tear.   Or perhaps you feel the pain so bad that you want to hurt someone or get them back?

I know the pain, I have been there.     But it wasn’t until a few years ago where a change in me occurred.  I realized the unforgiven was holding me back.     The pain was so heavy and I felt like a huge weight sat deep within.   Trust was gone; I wanted to build up a wall again.

That was not the answer; I prayed and asked God to heal in his time.

  • The pain holds us back from being all that we can be.
  • The pain keeps us locked in shackles.
  • Only you have the key.
  • I chose to let it go and give it to Him.
  • I forgave the physical hurt
  • I forgave the pain.

Jesus said,

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

I forgave and let it go.   By letting it go we set ourselves free.  One step at a time.  Once you forgive, then you will be able to see things from a clear perspective, one that is non-emotional.    Perhaps it is time to set some boundaries and expectations within the relationship?  One step at a time?

What is holding you back today?    Who hurt you?   Is it time to forgive and let it go?  

Take a moment and look in the mirror, you are beautiful made, forgive yourself, let go and wrap your arms around you and hug deep.     That is what God wants for you.

Feel the relief of letting go.

Where we have been does not define who we are. The moments are simple reminders of the past that help us move forward or adjust. You just need the courage to move forward. We cannot control what happens, but we can control how we choose to respond.  It is all in your hands Lena, let Him navigate.

Take a 2 minutes to watch this video

Dear Lord God,
Help teach us to love and let go.  There are times where we are rocked to the core, help us to let go and give it to you.    Help us to love in the pain, help us to seek to understand before judging.   Lord there are many times where I feel like I cannot take it anymore, help reveal to us your never-ending peace and understanding.   Help us to seek your word in the times where our breath is taken away.  Help us to trust in You father.       Help us to move forward. I pray for this in Jesus Name.

May you be blessed,


If you have a question you can email Vanessa at [email protected] or visit her personal blog at .

What is your response today?  It’s time to let go my friend and move forward?   Take that one step forward consider leaving a comment.


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