dear vanessa ~ little miracles

Peace within.

These are the feelings that come from being immersed in the moment.

God tells us ~

“do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth” (Matthew 6:19)

What is He really asking of us? 

Have you ever wondered if what you do makes a difference? I want to encourage you that it does. Our actions create reactions that have ripple effects.

Do you ever feel like you want to pinch yourself in those moments when life just takes you by surprise? Is this real? How did I get so lucky?

A moment…

  • Love one another ~ and pray for those who may hurt you.
  • Turn the other cheek
  • love your enemies
  • Love others as you would love yourself.
  • Do not judge
  • Forgive and let it go
  • Be anxious in nothing
  • Be thankful
  • Give
  • Pray

Every moment lived we have a choice. We can choose to embrace everything it is: or not

This moment can be our miracle. 

My little everyday miracles:

  • A little child smiles with wonder, laughs so hard he can barely breathe.
  • The sun shines brilliantly, and catches your eyes, the rays reach out, and warmth fills your heart.
  • You meet someone that needs a kind word, you feel like you could use the same, but decide that you want to extend your hand.
  • You are tired, but muster up enough energy to push through. You have faith.
  • Someone you love is hurting, you hug, you care, you reach out.
  • Someone you see needs support, you smile you offer a hand.
  • Reaching out to comfort, to love, to show compassion.

This is what makes life worth living.

Each action has a reaction, a ripple effect.

Sometimes it may feel like you have nothing left. Believe me I understand this, but I have seen how simple actions create such a difference.

Simple actions ~ selfless actions ~ expecting nothing in return.

Yes, in this world there is hurt.
There is pain. 
There is injustice.

But we can overcome it, with simple actions.

A word or touch; maybe a little bit of love.

Simple actions

It is through each other we draw strength, we combat the pain.

I choose to focus on love.
I choose to combat the pain.
I choose to focus on what I can do.
I choose gratitude.

What simple action can you create in your life today? It may be for a loved one, it may be a cuddle or hug, or maybe it is a smile for a friend that is hurting  Perhaps it is someone you don’t even know…

Take a step, create a reaction my friend. Your action will have ripple effects.

I am thankful for waking up today, for sharing some laughs and a smile from a courageous woman, for having a house full of love and laughter, and for sharing kindness with kids.

Life is a gift, and I choose to live every moment to the fullest.

May you be blessed and may your thanksgiving be blessed with little miracles.

Vanessa (your Canadian friend)
nov blanket ministry add in

I would love to hear from you, if you have a question or want to connect my email address is [email protected] or my blog is

3 responses to “dear vanessa ~ little miracles

  1. Nicely put Nessa; reminds me of my encounter yesterday with a stranger on 23rd Ave E, S’toon. He said he needed gloves the work gloves he had were not warm; his hands seemed raw and cold. I offered my second pair, he declined and asked for $5 instead so he could purchase gloves. I gave him $10, he said thank you and without warning grabbed me, hugged me and planted a kiss on my check; right there on the street. How awfully nice of him I thought. Little miracles indeed, he just made my day.


    • Camille what a wonderful miracle on both sides! If we are just aware they happen 💙. How wonderful ! Thank you for sharing ! Love it!


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