Have you ever felt that you could never be good enough for God? That He can’t use someone like you?
Well, I have a story for you today regarding those feelings.
A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to take a few pottery courses. No doubt there is a reason why these artisans are called master potters. These talented persons possess the intricate skills to design beautiful earthen vessels as well as the ability to custom shape each piece for a specific purpose to be graced in your home.
But did you know that you are God’s masterpiece? Ephesians 2:10 says For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Honestly, after attempting to make some basic pottery, I was very humbled at just how difficult it was.
Yet, isn’t this process similar to how God fashions us? He knows exactly how much clay to use and how to perfectly form each vessel for His plans. As I diligently learned from this creative process as best I could, I have to tell you that there was this one fact about making pottery that absolutely blew my mind…
Master potters LOVE to work with clay that has lots of impurities.
Folks, this fact is fantastic news. While I use to feel sad about never being good enough, I now relished in this new discovery.
So why do you think Master Potters prefer working with clay that is not perfect? Wouldn’t perfect clay lend itself to making perfect pots?
Certainly not! The simple reason is because those imperfections are the key to creating the most stunning and unique works when fired in the kiln. Isn’t that amazing? That means that you and I are actually great working material for God to make something beautiful out of us. YEA GOD!
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to attend a Ladies Retreat in the lovely mountains of North Carolina where we learned about how God desires to “ReDefine us In Christ”. I so loved the teachings that I have decided to do a series on my blog called ReDEFINED and it’s all about God making, molding and using us for His glory. I even include my own testimonies of how God used those fires of life to purify me though I was hurting and afraid. All you have to do is whisper “Welcome Holy Spirit.”
Dear readers, God is knocking on the door of your heart today for He desires to make something beautiful out of your life. Will you open the door and welcome Him to have His way?
Now the next time the enemy tries to condemn you regarding your mistakes and flaws and sin… don’t you let him! Just remember that is exactly what will make you and me His great masterpiece.
So let’s surrender to our Loving Maker and be ReDefined today. All for His glory!
P.S. After several months of work, I am thrilled to finally announce my new website and blog at BarbaraKoob.com. I invite you to come and peruse all the new material that I have regarding my ministry on dreams, healing, prayer and enjoying everyday life. I even have some cool freebies that I hope you will love…such as a mini eBook on biblical dream interpretation, an article on inner healing and a prayer pamphlet. In addition, subscribers to my blog will have a chance to receive some great giveaways in the coming weeks. So please do drop by and say hello. Thanks friends, thanks so much!