“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept.” Matthew 5:14 (MSG)
We all have a story, but did you know they were meant to be shared for good? We all have gone through experiences that have built us to be the person we are today. He has built us for good… Too often we build up a shield after we experience something to protect us from the pain. But let me ask you, isn’t He there to protect you? Isn’t our Father there to guide us, to help us heal, to aid us in letting go and giving it to Him?
Do you have a story inside that you know someone can benefit from hearing? Have there been instances where you have felt a little nudge at your heart, asking you to share?
I will tell you this much, not once did I ever think in my own life that a girl who was bullied for most of her life and didn’t love herself, or a girl that was raped and physically assaulted, or a girl that fractured her neck and nearly lost her life was built for good. Looking back on my life, I realized that all of these experiences built empathy, courage, and aided me in realizing I am not alone. Our wonderful Father uses this for the good of others. But first you have to take the hardest step….
Then you have to…
Let go and give it to God.
He will use it in a way you would have least expected. Today I want to share a story with you all where I know it is used for His good. The courage, love and miracles in this story will amaze you. God is here with us every moment. I am so thankful I broke my neck 3 ½ years ago on a family trip because I would never have seen how one can turn into many.
Here is Coffy’s story:
(because of the length of this story, it is posted on a page of it’s own for you to read. here is a short excerpt)Thursday, February 20th at exactly 6:47 a.m., all our lives were changed forever. While turning onto a freeway entrance, my children and I were victims of a hit and run. The guy who hit us caused our truck to flip violently across the freeway as he drove away. After the 4th or 5th flip, I lost count. My children’s screams, “Mommy, Mommy, Help Us!” is all I could hear now.”
Read Coffy’s Complete story here