Solitude and the Task Monster

Forest road. Landscape.

“When Jesus heard what happened, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.” Matthew 14:13

“Lord, I pray that…..”

I squeezed my eyes tightly, as if to dispel the responsibilities that sat before me; to chase away their existence and sirens call. Laundry baskets full of clean clothes sat upon the table; bills to be paid, socks to fold and put away. School books sat waiting for their owners return, the time was short but the need was great. The need to sit with my Savior.

A slit appeared in one eye, gaping at what was before me, only to disappear again as my will flexed its muscles.

A battle of the wills… My spiritual side that is desperate for relationship and solitude, vs. the task monster.

Quite often, the task monster wins.  Before I know it I am writing checks or checking email instead of filling the funnel that was expended with the busyness of yesterday. Sighs fill my soul, and I long for a vacation from life; and opportunity to worship and love with abandon.

Jesus knew this was necessary. He often left the crowds and His disciples to be alone, but as we see in this story from Matthew, the tasks did not go away, for as He withdrew to this solitary place – the desperate people followed Him. Foiled again! His task monster kept Him from a much needed vacation, and “He had compassion on them and healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14)

“Spending time in prayer nurtures a vital relationship and equips us to meet life’s challenges and struggles.” {NIV}

Having a personal and private space for you and God is important. A place that is separate from the daily grind, somewhere that nurtures and inspires your very soul.. For each person this will look differently depending on your personality, your desires and what inspires you.

In two weeks a beautiful life is hosting a women’s conference in Romeo Michigan, and one of the workshops that I am leading deals with this topic exactly.  It is called “Room for two: God & You!” Creating a space to build relationship is vital if we are to put aside the cares of the world, and the days to come. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or large even; simply a place to “get-away”.

If you are in Michigan (and even if you aren’t) we would love for you to join us October 18th to worship, pray, learn something new, and have fellowship with sisters. Below is a list of the classes, keynote speaker and worship band that will be with us.  There is still room! We have rearranged so that no one will be turned away - even at the door! And everyone is welcome! Bring a friend, bring a sister - come alone!

Sign up on line here

Download your registration form to mail here

  • Creating a Deuteronomy Six Home
  • Remember: Inspired Journaling
  • Creating Thoughtful but Simple Cards or Notes
  • Hosting the presence of God: foundations of prayer
  • Your Testimony: Sharing your experiences for His good
  • Organize your Life
  • Welcome to my House God!
  • Simple Centerpieces
  • Offering a Safe Haven…The Power of Listening
  • Bread for the Believer: Making Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day
  • Social Media in Service
  • Sole Hope: World Mission Outreach from Your Living Room
  • How to Effectively Pray for Others:  The Hospitality of prayer
  • Young Women of God
  • The Versatile Chicken
  • A Room for Two: God and You!
  • Financial Peace basics for Teens and Adults
  • Make it Ahead! Freezer Meals
  • Daily Stewardship

We hope to see you there!!

Tags: a beautiful life conference, alone with God, challenges and struggles, fellowship, , hospitality of prayer, Karne Ehman, learning, life's challenges, Michigan Women's conference, modern day cure, personal space, , relationship, Romeo Michigan, , solitude, spiritual growth, testimony, time, time alone, workshops, Worship

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