Dear Vanessa,
Is there a rainbow after the rain? The storms come but do they pass? Where is the sunshine today?
This week, I wanted to post a musing on the storms in this life. I want to thank-you readers for coming back to these posts and thank God for his never ending love.
I feel so blessed.
Yes there have been moments that have taken my breath away, there have been moments where life stood still, and moments where love filled me full.
Yes I feel blessed, blessed to feel it all.
Blessed to be in the rainstorm and to feel the drops upon my face. The drops trickle slowly down my face.
Blessed to hear the first cries that enter the world, as my heart skips a beat I watch the love overflow the room.
Blessed to breathe in the air, and to be alive.
Blessed to see the light….
I choose to wipe away the tears, and replace the fears.
I choose to see the light in a child’s eyes,
The rays of sunlight after the rain,
The rainbow that appears in the distance after the storm.
This is our life, our heaven on earth.
What do you choose to see today?
Live and let go. Give it to Him.
May you be blessed my friend,
If you have a question for Vanessa or a story to share please email her at [email protected] or visit
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Dear Vanessa ~ rainbow after the rain #hope #faith #love