
Mission Field: Haiti

Outreach: Heartline Maternity Center

Mission Statement: To help to fund the care of pregnant women in Haiti, and to give them hope in a desperate situation.

Chad R. Allen just turned 40. A recent trip to Haiti began a desire in his heart to help with the desperate situation that he had found in that place, the desperation and lack of hope. This desire to make a difference has brought him to this Jump4Haiti campaign in which he is attempting to raise $40,000 which will help the women of Haiti through the Hearline Maternity Center. Watch this short video to hear about this initiative directly from Chad. Directly following the video are ways that you can help if you are so inspired!

Here are three ways you can help:

  1. Donate! When you do please be generous. Generosity always comes back around. Always. To donate, visit www.purecharity.com/Jump4Haiti.
  2. Share this via Facebook, Twitter, email, word of mouth–whatever you can do. Remember, $40,000 may sound like a lot, but we just need 2,000 people to give $20 or 4,000 people to give $10 or, well, you get the idea. It’s about reaching thousands and thousands of people, and that’s where you come in! I’m not a celebrity, so I definitely need your help. (On Twitter, please use the hashtag #Jump4Haiti. That will help us track the Twittersphere and retweet. In fact, if you click here you’ll be escorted to a tweet that’s ready to go.) If you have a blog, I’d love you to use the widget that you see in my own sidebar. You can pick it up the embed code in the sidebar at http://www.purecharity.com/Jump4Haiti.
  3. Stay tuned! I’ll be posting stories from Haiti and other relevant stuff. This year I’m going further with generosity than I ever have, so keep your radar up. This is going to be fun!  { http://www.chadrallen.com/ }

Having a heart for what matters to God is the first step in changing our world for future generations to come.

Soli Deo Gloria!


What small thing can you do today? tomorrow? Consider leaving a comment.

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