Strengthen your foundation


“She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:17, 25

Yesterday we talked about being a good steward of the food the Lord puts on our tables. (read that post here)  Today, we are going to discuss how to be good stewards of ourselves.

When we are taking care of ourselves with healthy habits we are better equipped to care for our families and homes, be a “helpmate” to our husband and serve The Lord in His plan for our life. We have been given one body to carry us through this life, the better we care for it the more we will accomplish for the glory of our creator?

Care and Keeping of you : God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called -
 but we are required to do our part.

  • Top of the list is to create time with The Lord each and everyday! Jesus couldn’t go a day without rising early for prayer time with HIS Father and HE was fully God and fully man. What makes us think we can get through the day without starting with HIM? Set your alarm 15-30 min early and make the time for Jesus, He desires to spend it with you! I am a living testimony that this one change will change every other area of your life…
  • Carve out a daily/weekly time for exercise, just 30 min can give you huge results. The endorphins released enhance your mood and attitude. You will be physically strong and The Lord will be able to use you to serve HIM in greater capacities, guaranteed. The internet is full of programs and there are even apps for that!
  • “You are what you Eat”. So make healthy choices daily, choosing fruits, veggies and nuts in their natural form to snack on. Reduce your carbs, they create lethargy and unwanted pounds. Increase healthy proteins, they give you energy that is not a sugar high. Decrease sugar intake, really it’s like poison to our system.
  • Fast and pray on a regular basis, watch God breakthrough the strongholds in your life! This is not about weight loss, it is about spiritual growth. New studies are proving that it is healthy for our bodies as well… Who knew, another Biblical principle proven to be healthy for us…
  • Get up and put your best foot forward each day. My grandma Mary told me once that a woman should “Get her face on each day and dress like a lady” and “Put on a little lipstick, you’ll be fine!” I loved her practical advice. It has proven true in my life that when I attempt to look my best, I feel better about myself and the day. Even in times of depression or when I am in a “funk” I start to think more positive when I cover the dark circles and put on some lipstick.
  • Always look for ways to serve others; this too is the Great Depression Crusher! It’s hard to feel sorry for yourself when serving the needs of others.
  • Seek God first in every decision and action. Be quiet  long enough to hear HIS voice, He is a gentleman and usually speaks softly! Be obedient to HIS call and say “YES” before you know what HE is asking.  HE never leads us astray!
  • Have a “Fun List” for those times when a free day comes along, allow for spontaneity. Fond memories are made in those times.

Stay tuned Friday and we will wrap up our stewardship series with some practical tips for taking care of our home.

There is abundant blessing in being a good steward of all God’s provisions in our lives. Trust Him in this promise!

Abundant Blessings,
Heidi Wilt

Are you a good steward of what God has entrusted you with?  Consider leaving a comment about what you are doing to be a faithful steward of yourself.

2 responses to “Strengthen your foundation

  1. Great list Heidi! It’s so important to take care of ourselves. Personally, I like to go to this cycling class 3Xs a week. I find that if I exercise doing something I like, it becomes a habit. I’ve also relished my quiet time with God each morning with my Bible and a cup of coffee. And couldn’t agree more with you about having “fun”! So many times, we Christians are all work and no play. I truly believe God desires for us to enjoy our lives, and that means taking the time to have fun. For me, fun means time with friends and family doing things that make me smile. Brings joy to my heart. Bless you.


    • Thank you Barbara, it is good to relate and encourage each other in this walk of life and faith. Jesus is the glue that holds us all together, we should rejoice!


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