Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory, for the wedding of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:7
This week we will spend time with family and friends, rejoicing in the birth of all that we believe and cherish and trust. Revelation tells us to rejoice and give glory. Why? Because, we are on our way to a feast. A feast!!
Of course, the focus this time of year is on the birth of our Savior, the hope we all have for our futures and eternity; but it is more than His birth that we are celebrating here, it is a thankfulness for the invitation to the wedding feast. The feast that we all receive when we become part of His family. This is not just what we can expect from eternity, but what we can expect from the rest of our lives, starting now, as they are changed by His presence in them.
Eternity begins now beloved!
Let us rejoice and be glad!
We are the bride; and as we walk through this journey called life and prepare our hearts and our minds for him in everything we do and all that we are, we make ourselves ready for the feast. Jesus’ desire is for ALL to join in the feast. For ALL to rejoice and be glad. And for ALL to give glory to God. This true preparation will lead us to the celebration; to the wedding feast of the Lamb.
I have already found my seat at the table; and there is one open right next to me. Will you join me? I’ll save you a seat!
Join in the celebration this week for what we are all truly thankful for – Our wedding invitation.
Soli Deo Gloria!
~how are you celebrating the birth of our Savior this week? Join in the conversation, consider leaving a comment!
CHURCH, Family and friends.