“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.”
Psalm 69:30
I like to sing in the shower; when no one is around of course. Music makes my heart soar to new heights, and in that moment I am a songbird, melodic and beautiful. Unfortunately, God and I are the only ones who think so! The thought of anyone but the Father hearing my tuneless crooning makes me cringe, but when it is just He and I – I am brilliant!
I certainly am not thankful for my crappy voice, but I am thankful for the opportunity to use it to glorify my God – even if it is for an audience of one.
Most of the time I sing out of gratitude.
Gratitude for the love He shows me every day, simply by being by my side.
Gratitude for coming into my life and forgiving all of the wretched things that have defined my past.
Gratitude for giving me a heart for what is true, and worthy, and beautiful.
But it is when I sing simply because of who He is – the Creator of the universe, that I believe I glorify Him most. He is so big that a song can barely contain all that is our God. All powerful. All loving. All merciful. The heavens and all of nature declare His glory, and I join in; singing my tuneless song, perfect in all its glory – to Him.
For Him.
About Him.
Let’s make this Thanksgiving a time to remember all that God has done in our lives, especially the small things that often go unnoticed. Thank Him each day by expressing your gratitude for who He is and what He has given you.
Even if it is a simple tuneless song, just between you… and He.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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