Let God Chisel!

“As you come to him, the living stone – rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:4-5

In the second chapter of our bible study “Unglued”, we talk about the process that it takes for us to become God’s master piece. God is presented as the artist and it is through the chiseling away of the “hard places” that we will emerge as the works of art that we are meant to be.

It is a process that will take time, time to release us from the prison of our “junk”, but we are assured that as He chisels away at those rough places, we are smoothed and made perfect in Him.” We are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesian 2:10

So, rest assured, God has a plan. Even though we have those unglued days, we know that this is just part of the process…God’s chiseling of our prison walls, which are the things that keep us separated from Him. We need to experience this chiseling or “refining” in order to realize that we need the master to work on us.

One fascinating fact that I gleaned from the video portion of the study was the description of Michelangelo’s process of working on his masterpiece “David”. During the whole process of chiseling this work of art, which took 2 years, Michelangelo never left David’s side. He chiseled all day and then slept next to the huge piece of marble all night. He stayed with it during the whole process! I find that amazing – and encouraging!

This, to me, illustrates how God is constantly with us during the whole “chiseling” process. Through the good and bad, the failures and successes, the calm and the unglued moments.  Be encouraged that you are not alone. While you are struggling through your days, God is using those struggles to chisel away His masterpiece!

Another interesting and encouraging fact is that, leading up to Michelangelo’s magnificent masterpiece are a group of incomplete statues in varying stages of complete. These artworks collectively are called “the prisoners.” How interesting! If we apply this to ourselves, we can see this as an encouragement that we are all works in progress that one day will show the masterful glory of the creator!  I can’t wait to see how I turn out!


Questions to consider:

  1. How might you relate to “the prisoners”…to “David”?
  2. How are you challenged that God sees your unglued moments as an opportunity to chisel? Why do you think that God wants to chisel away those portions?
  3. Consider a recent experience of raw emotion. How did you react? Were you self-condemning? Knowing this is part of the process, how will you react next time?
  4. Based on the scripture verse for today, how does Paul’s image of God as a master craftsman impact your view of God and His work in you?
    1. Sculpting a masterpiece takes time. What grace do you need right now, where you are?

Since next week is Christmas, we will not have a bible study session. Instead there will be a special Christmas devotion.  We will resume our bible study the following week. (Yes, I know it is New Year’s Day!)

Lord, chisel me into your perfect masterpiece, extend grace to me when I fail and praise when I succeed. Stay by my side during this refining process and don’t ever give up on me. I want to be a completed work of art and display your glory!

In Jesus’ name we pray ~

Have a beautiful week in the Lord!


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