Tag Archives: flashlight

Break Out Your Light Sword!

Break Out Your Light Sword!

Good morning my dear blogging friends!

I am going to be taking a blogging break for the month of June. I have a son graduating this year and with the looming open house plus work, yard, house, conferences….not to mention that I am trying to write a book, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and I don’t want my messages to turn sour!  So in the interest of my sanity….  J I am taking a break.  Since I didn’t post yesterday I have a two-fold post today….a new gourd that will be available in our etsy store (see picture below) and the next installment of our memorization of the sermon on the mount.  First the memory verse:

Review: Matthew 5:1-14

Learn: Matthew 5:15-16

“Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Last week we talked about how salty we are….or are not. And the verse went on to say that we are to be the light of the world.  Today we continue that thought as Jesus describes how to go about that. He says that we are not to hide it but put it where everyone can see it so that people will see the Father reflected in you.

The sermon that I listened to this past Sunday was exactly about that remarkably enough! It was called Break out your Light Sword. A story was told of a little boy who explored all of the dark places of his house with absolute bravery.  What made this boy so brave?  He was carrying a big, bright flashlight; his light sword. As he traveled through those dark places he shined that light around so that he could see his path and have total assurance of where he was.

As long as he had his light sword he felt safe!

In this same way we can travel into dark places, shining out light with the assurance that we are safe in the arms of our Savior. Without the light there is much to fear for the truth is:

  • Darkness has been trying to snuff out the darkness since the beginning.

  • Darkness has a voice…it will entice you with empty promises.

  • Darkness has a color….it is black like the soul of who it represents; Satan

  • When it is dark, men commit evil deeds. Just watch the news for evidence of this.

  • Darkness is always trying to hide. It does not want to be discovered for what it really is and what it really does.

  • Darkness blinds people so they cannot see. This particular point is very deceptive. Darkness can present itself as something desirable, something that you want. It can be hard to see the truth when the desire is in your heart.

We live in a fallen and decaying world, evil exists all around us in the things we see, the things we do and the people we meet. Discovering truth can be difficult as the enemy tries to steal your soul. He carries with him demonic hosts to do his bidding, our days are full of satanic warfare! But we are not to crawl under a basket to hide our light, although we may want to at times so that evil will not find us, we are to face it head on and conquer it with our light swords! We can command darkness to flee in the mighty name of Jesus, and it MUST flee! 

So have no fear. Pick up your light sword, march out into the darkness and fight!

We must be on our guard all of the time to not allow darkness to seep into our lives, and it can be deceptive. Here are some attributes of evil:

  • It’s sneaky (Gen. 3)

  • It destroys (John 10:10)

  • It doesn’t care (Luke 22)

Evil seeks to control you, to own you, and to lead you away from the light. Don’t let it! Keep your light shining!

  1. Pray

  2. Speak to the darkness in your life in Jesus’ name

  3. Read the Word of God for strength

  4. Be Prepared!

My Prayer: Lord I pray that you bring to light all of the dark places in my life that I need to fight.  I want to be a light for you, a light to the world which is so very dark. Help me to refine those places in my life so that when people look at me they see you in my reflection.  In Jesus’ Mighty Name!!

Reflect His Light!


~ Thank you so much for allowing me this break!  This would be a great time to practice for the whole month the verses that we have learned up to now. By the time July comes you will be ready for the next set!  Hiding God’s word in your heart is a great way to repel the darkness too! This break will only be for me on Monday’s and Tuesday’s. Wed-Friday will continue with the rest of the beautiful life contributors as always and I pray that they will fill you up with beauty!  God bless you all!

Fruits of the Spirit birdhouse

gourds 003


This is a birdhouse made from a gourd. It is woodburned and some light colors have been added with ink dyes for accent. It is about 12” in height, 8” wide and the hole is approximately 1 1/2 “ in diameter. The roof has been fashioned with metal pieces that have a verdigris finish. An outdoor poly coating has been applied so that it can be used inside and out.  A beautiful addition to any garden!  For more pictures and info, go to our etsy store here:
